What can an NHS dentist do for me?
19th July 2016
Moonlight Dental Surgery in Slough offers treatment from an NHS dentist to anyone who needs it. The NHS practitioners at our clinic are highly experienced and offer a full range of National Health Service treatments. If you need an NHS dentist in Slough, get in touch with Moonlight Dental Surgery to book a consultation.

The services of an NHS dentist are based on clinical need, and priced by band. There are three different treatment bands, beginning with basic things such as dental check-ups and rising to include more complex procedures, such as the creation of functional and realistic-looking dentures.
In some cases treatment from an NHS dentist is free of charge. This applies for, among other things:
- Children up to the age of 18
- Full-time students aged 19
- Pregnant women
- Women with a baby aged under one year at the start of treatment
- Those in receipt of Pension Credit Guarantee
- Those in receipt of various benefits
You can check if you qualify for free care from an NHS dentist by contacting our Slough dental practice or your local DHSS office. Some people on a low income may also be able to claim exemption from NHS dental charges by completing an HC1 form.
The bands for treatment from a Slough NHS dentist for 2016-17 are:
Band 1: £19.70. This covers a general dental check-up, diagnosis, and advice. X-rays and a scale and polish also come under this band, as does emergency care from an NHS dentist.
Band 2: £53.90. As well as including all the Band 1 treatments, this band covers fillings, root canal treatment, and tooth extractions.
Band 3: £233.70. The third band includes all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.
Because the government are set to increase NHS dental charges again for the period 2017-18 (which will take affect from April 2017), it is best to book a consultation with a Slough NHS dentist sooner rather than later, so that you can receive any treatment you need before the price increases take place.
Contact Moonlight today to book an NHS dental consultation.
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