Secret braces: introducing Six Month Smiles
12th August 2016
Modern braces don’t have to be made from metal. At Slough Braces Centre we are well aware of the barriers the thought of wearing an obvious metal appliance can put in front of adults who would like to improve the alignment of their teeth. We are also keen to stress the health benefits teeth straightening can bring, which is why we are proud to offer a subtler alternative in the shape of Six Month Smiles.
Six Month Smiles are cosmetic braces that are designed to quickly and discreetly improve the position of the front teeth.
The majority of adult patients who come to our Slough dental practice seeking tooth straightening treatment are primarily concerned about the teeth that show when they smile, and it is these “social six” front teeth that Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces focus on.
Because of their focus on the front teeth, Six Month Smiles work a lot more quickly than standard braces. They take the traditional principles of orthodontics and modernise them to create 21st Century tooth straightening appliances that, as you’ve probably worked out from the name, work in an average of just six months.
Some mild cases at our Slough dental practice are complete in just half that time, and the vast majority of patients finish their treatment within a nine-month timeframe.
Another obvious benefit of Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces is that they are not obvious at all. Comprising clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, these braces blend in with the natural colour of your teeth, making them barely noticeable in day-to-day life. This is a significant boon for adults with busy professional careers who do not want everyone to know they are having treatment.
The team at our Slough dental centre are always keen to point out that, whilst these are cosmetic braces, they will also improve your dental health. By reducing the number of hard-to-clean areas where food particles can get trapped and plaque can build up, you can reduce your chances of developing both gum disease and dental decay – two of the major causes of tooth loss (so long as you visit your dentist and hygienist regularly, of course!).
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