Brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining good oral hygiene—but did you know that the nutrients you consume (or lack thereof) can also have a significant impact on your oral health? This article discusses the best vitamins for teeth and gums and what foods you can eat to add more of these nutrients to your diet. Luckily, a lot of the foods are natural and delicious!Why Take Vitamins For Teeth?Your mouth, teeth, and gums are the first contact points for the nutrients you consume and are essential for kicking off the digestion process. In fact, according to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the process of chewing allows you to extract the greatest possible amount of nutrients from the food you eat. Conversely, nutrient deficiencies can lead to oral conditions like inflammation and tooth loss. That means that consuming the right vitamins through food and supplements can promote healthy teeth and gums. Here are five essential vitamins for teeth and gum health.1. CalciumCalcium isn’t just good for your bones; it’s good for your teeth, too. According to the National Institutes of Health, calcium is one of the most important minerals in the human body, as it helps form and maintain strong bones and teeth. Curious as to how you can consume calcium? You might already be doing it. Dairy products like milk and yogurt have a type of calcium that’s easy for your body to absorb. Canned salmon and sardines are also good sources. If you do not consume meat or dairy, or want to add more calcium-rich vegetables to your diet, try broccoli, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy or Chinese cabbage or nuts like almonds, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and tahini. Keep in mind that to ensure the calcium stays in these foods, cook them in a small amount of water for a short time, like steaming or sautéing, instead of boiling. Additionally, you can also take calcium as a supplement.2. PhosphorusPhosphorous is another essential vitamin for healthy teeth. Phosphorus helps the body absorb and use calcium and strengthens teeth by protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel. If you’re looking to add more phosphorus to your diet, try to incorporate meat, milk, and whole grains. Fish, eggs, and protein-rich foods are also excellent sources. Luckily, most people get enough of this vitamin in their regular diet without the need for supplements.3. Vitamin DVitamin D plays a significant role in keeping your teeth healthy—according to a 2020 article, Vitamin D Deficiency and Oral Health: A Comprehensive Review, vitamin D deficiencies can lead to several oral health disorders, like gingival inflammation, cavities, and gum disease. That’s because it plays a crucial role in bone and tooth mineralization. But don’t worry—consuming vitamin D is easy via supplements. It’s also present in oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring. Additionally, some foods are vitamin D fortified, like milk and breakfast cereals.4. Vitamin CVitamin C is not only good for your teeth; it’s an excellent vitamin for gums, too. Vitamin C helps keep the connective tissues in your gums healthy and strong, which hold your teeth in place—which means deficiencies can lead to bleeding gums and gum disease. Further, vitamin C supplements also reduced erosive tooth wear in early childhood. You’re likely getting a lot of vitamin C in your diet, as it’s present in citrus fruits, peppers, sweet potatoes, broccoli, berries, and kale. Supplements are also widely available.5. Vitamin AVitamin A is not only good for your eyes and skin—but it’s also great for your mouth, particularly your saliva production. Saliva helps break down food and also cleans bacteria from in between your teeth. You can find Vitamin A in orange-coloured fruits and vegetables, like carrots, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, plus fish and egg yolks. It’s also available as a supplement.When to Take VitaminsA healthy diet can provide you with a lot of these vitamins for teeth and gums. That being said, taking supplements may be a better option in some cases. If you’re wondering if you should take a supplement, talk to your dentist or physician, as some dietary supplements may interact or interfere with some prescription medications.If you’re maintaining a healthy and balanced diet full of whole fruits and vegetables, you’re probably already consuming many of these teeth-friendly nutrients. And if you’re concerned about your vitamin levels, chat with your dentist about what supplements or foods you could add to your diet. Understanding how these vitamins impact your teeth can help your oral care in the long term. Now you know what vitamins are essential to your oral health, why not try a delicious new recipe with these nutrient-packed foods?For more information visit our website by clicking this link. |
Team Update….New Dentist Incoming…. We are pleased to announce that we have a new dentist starting in early May. Dr Kashif will be joining us on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 and they will be providing NHS dentistry. This will mean there will be additional appointment availability.Feel free to follow us on social media for more team news.We Are Listening….We want you to know that we take any kind of feedback seriously here at Moonlight Dental Surgery. Each month we take a look at all our patient reviews and feedback, we analyse the results and determine any outstanding trends or concerns that need attention.
In the past month we have continued to receive similar feedback about lack of appointment availability. We are pleased to confirmed that we have a new full time dentist is now working alongside Dr Gill, in providing NHS services. This enables us to provide much more appointment availability moving forward. We also have an additional NHS dentist joining the team early May which will further improve the situation.
We thank you for your patience and continued understanding. Question of The Month….Each month we publish a question that one of our patients has asked. This month’s question was:Q: What is the best mouthwash?A: We are unable to suggest a specific mouthwash as each person requires differing benefits. However, if you have a chat with your dentist at your next appointment, they will be able to provide some suggestions. Social Media Check-Up….Feel free to follow us for more updates….Discreet, Short-term solution to straighter teeth…. Here at Moonlight Dental Surgery, we pride ourselves on changing lives, one smile at a time!There have been huge advances in the materials used in bonding dentistry in recent years, meaning composite bonding can be used for disguising minor imperfections in the front teeth, closing small gaps and hiding minor tooth rotations, with no damage to your teeth.Composite bonding is a pain-free experience that requires, in most cases, just one visit to Moonlight Dental Surgery. Your dentist will be able to choose a shade of resin that closely matches the colour of your teeth, meaning that the results will look entirely natural.How It Works 1. Your dentist picks a shade of resin that matches the natural colour of your teeth. 2. The resin is carefully applied to your teeth, with no need for any work or damage to them. 3. Your dentist then carefully shapes and smooths the resin to hide any imperfections, for a result that looks entirely natural.4. Once the resin has been shaped, it is hardened very quickly with the help of a special light. Although composite bonding treatment does not last as long as veneers, many patients find the treatment is highly cost-effective. It can also be repeated with no damage at all to your teeth.Life Benefits 1. A natural, healthy smile that you are proud to show off. 2. No preparation of your teeth is required, meaning they remain strong. 3. Treatment can usually be completed in one short visit to the practice.
If you are interested in our fantastic, smile making solutions email us at, visit our website or call 01753 526301 for more information or alternatively click the button below to book your consultation….Book ConsultationIN CLOSINGThe strength of our clinic grows from the recommendations of our patents. We are currently in a position to accept new patients and find that the very best way to get more patients like you is by personal referral. We are very grateful if you choose to spread the word about Moonlight Dental Surgery’s professional and caring service. You can keep up with us online and leave reviews here: We will be in touch again in a month or so with our next newsletter. In the meantime, stay safe and keep smiling! Kindest regards,All at Moonlight Dental Surgery Moonlight Dental SurgeryWentworth Avenue, Slough, Berkshire SL2 2DG 01753 526301 – are receiving this email because you are a patient or friend of Moonlight Dental Surgery. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.