What is mouth cancer? Most people have heard of cancer affecting parts of the body such as the lungs or breasts. However, cancer can appear in the mouth, where the disease can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks and throat.Who can be affected by mouth cancer? Anyone can be affected by mouth cancer, whether they have their own teeth or not. Mouth cancers are more common in people over 40, particularly men. However, research has shown that mouth cancer is becoming more common in younger patients and in women. There are more than 640,000 cases of mouth cancer diagnosed each year worldwide and it is the eleventh most common cancer. In the United States there are around 43,000 cases each year.In some countries there is an increased risk because of problems such as tobacco chewing – in India, for example – and the rates are even higher. There are, on average, almost 7,800 new cases of mouth cancer diagnosed in the UK each year. The number of new cases of mouth cancer is on the increase, and in the UK has increased by over half in the last decade alone. Do people die from mouth cancer? Yes. More than 2,300 people in the UK die from mouth cancer every year. Many of these deaths could be prevented if the cancer was diagnosed early enough. As it is, people with mouth cancer are more likely to die than those having cervical cancer or melanoma skin cancer. What can cause mouth cancer? Most cases of mouth cancer are linked to tobacco and alcohol. Cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking are the main forms of tobacco use in many parts of the world. However, the traditional habits in some cultures of chewing tobacco, betel quid, gutkha and paan are particularly dangerous.Alcohol increases the risk of mouth cancer, and if tobacco and alcohol are taken together the risk is even greater.Over-exposure to sunlight can also increase the risk of cancer of the lips.Many recent reports have linked mouth cancer to the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer and affects the skin that lines the moist areas of the body.HPV can be spread through oral sex, and research now suggests that HPV could soon rival smoking and drinking as one of the main causes of mouth cancer.Practising safe sex and limiting the number of partners you have may help reduce your chances of getting HPV. Many people get HPV during their lives and for many this does not cause a problem.There are now HPV vaccines for both girls and boys. They were developed to fight cervical cancer, but it is likely that they will also help to reduce the rates of mouth cancer. These vaccines are given at age 12 to 13 before sexual activity starts. What are the signs of mouth cancer? Mouth cancer can appear in different forms and can affect all parts of the mouth, tongue and lips. Mouth cancer can appear as a painless mouth ulcer that does not heal normally. A white or red patch in the mouth can also develop into a cancer. Be aware of any unusual lumps in your mouth or jaw area and any persistent hoarseness. It is important to visit your dental team or doctor if these areas do not heal within three weeks. If you aren’t sure, go for a check-up anyway. How can mouth cancer be detected early? Mouth cancer can often be spotted in its early stages by your dental team during a thorough mouth examination. If mouth cancer is diagnosed early, then the chances of a cure are good. Many people with mouth cancer go to their dentist or doctor too late. Is there anything I can do at home? Be aware of what is going on in your mouth. Examine yourself regularly. Ulcers that do not heal within three weeks, any unusual red or white patches, lumps in your neck or jaw area, or persistent hoarseness are all reasons for asking your dental team or doctor to examine you. There is probably nothing seriously wrong but an early diagnosis could save your life. What is involved in a full check-up of the mouth? The inside of your mouth and your tongue will be examined with the help of a small mirror. The examination will also look at your neck and underneath your jaw. Dentists will carry out this examination as part of a routine dental check-up. Remember, your dental team can see parts of your mouth that you cannot see easily yourself. What happens if my dentist finds a problem? If they find something unusual they will refer you to a consultant at the hospital, who will carry out a thorough examination of your mouth and throat. A small sample of the cells may be gathered from the area (a biopsy), and these cells will be examined under the microscope to see what is wrong. What happens next? If the cells are cancerous, more tests will be carried out. These may include overall health checks, blood tests, x-rays or scans. These tests will decide what course of treatment is needed. Can mouth cancer be cured? If mouth cancer is spotted early, the chances of a complete cure are good, and the smaller the area or ulcer the better the chance of a cure. However, too many people come forward too late because they do not have regular mouth examinations. How can I make sure that my mouth stays healthy? Stop smoking, and cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink.Eat a balanced, healthy diet with at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This can also help protect against many other cancers.Visit your dental team regularly, as often as they recommend.
This information was provided by Oral Health Foundation. For more information visit our website by clicking this link. |
Happy Work-iversary Catherine!…. Last week our lovely Head Dental Nurse Catherine celebrated 6 years of working with Moonlight Dental Surgery. We would be lost without her! Here’s to many more years 🙂 Feel free to follow us on social media for more team news.We Are Listening….We want you to know that we take any kind of feedback seriously here at Moonlight Dental Surgery. Each month we take a look at all our patient reviews and feedback, we analyse the results and determine any outstanding trends or concerns that need attention.
In the past month we have received repetitive feedback about cancellation of appointments. We want to assure you that we do everything in our power to prevent cancelling patient appointments. The only times we will cancel an appointment is if there is insufficient staff or if there is an equipment failure that could cause a health and safety risk. We really don’t like having to cancel appointments and cause inconvenience to our patients.
We thank you for your patience and continued understanding. Question of The Month….Each month we publish a question that one of our patients has asked. This month’s question was:
Q: Are you changing any measures as a result of the new relaxed government guidelines?
A: At present we will be maintaining our existing measures. Until we are advised by our governing bodies, as a health care environment we will continue to adhere to the latest guidelines set for us. Social Media Check-Up….Feel free to follow us for more updates….Do You Have Broken or Chipped Teeth You Don’t Like?…. Here at Moonlight Dental Surgery, we pride ourselves on changing lives, one smile at a time!
There have been huge advances in the materials used in bonding dentistry in recent years, meaning composite bonding can be used for disguising minor imperfections in the front teeth, closing small gaps and hiding minor tooth rotations, with no damage to your teeth.Composite bonding is a pain-free experience that requires, in most cases, just one visit to Moonlight Dental Surgery. Your dentist will be able to choose a shade of resin that closely matches the colour of your teeth, meaning that the results will look entirely natural.
How It Works 1. Your dentist picks a shade of resin that matches the natural colour of your teeth. 2. The resin is carefully applied to your teeth, with no need for any work or damage to them. 3. Your dentist then carefully shapes and smooths the resin to hide any imperfections, for a result that looks entirely natural.4. Once the resin has been shaped, it is hardened very quickly with the help of a special light. Although composite bonding treatment does not last as long as veneers, many patients find the treatment is highly cost-effective. It can also be repeated with no damage at all to your teeth.
Life Benefits 1. A natural, healthy smile that you are proud to show off. 2. No preparation of your teeth is required, meaning they remain strong. 3. Treatment can usually be completed in one short visit to the practice. If you are interested in our fantastic, smile making solutions email us at info@moonlightdental.co.uk, visit our website or call 01753 526301 for more information or alternatively click the button below to book your consultationBook NowIN CLOSINGThe strength of our clinic grows from the recommendations of our patents. We are currently in a position to accept new patients and find that the very best way to get more patients like you is by personal referral. We are very grateful if you choose to spread the word about Moonlight Dental Surgery’s professional and caring service. You can keep up with us online and leave reviews here: We will be in touch again in a month or so with our next newsletter. In the meantime, stay safe and keep smiling! Kindest regards,All at Moonlight Dental Surgery Moonlight Dental SurgeryWentworth Avenue, Slough, Berkshire SL2 2DG 01753 526301 info@moonlightdental.co.uk – www.moonlightdental.co.uk
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