Orthodontics or Porcelain Veneers to Straighten Teeth?
22nd December 2014
If your teeth are only slightly crooked then you might have already explored different ways to help straighten them, and it is possible you may have thought about dental veneers. Veneers consist of very thin pieces of porcelain that are permanently cemented over the front surfaces of the tooth to help improve appearance. They can be used to hide minor flaws, and also to correct the position of teeth that are perhaps slightly out of alignment or crooked. But is this the best way to straighten teeth?
Not necessarily, as even though treatment is quite quick, dental veneers normally require some healthy tooth structure to be removed from the front surfaces of the teeth. Even though the amount removed is tiny, it can only ever be replaced artificially and afterwards it will be important to keep these teeth permanently covered up with either veneers or dental crowns. This might be the right choice if those teeth are discoloured or chipped, or perhaps irregularly shaped, but otherwise a better alternative might be to consider orthodontic treatment.
Advantages of Choosing Orthodontics over Porcelain Veneers
Perhaps you think orthodontic treatment will be lengthy and complicated. While this might been true in the past, nowadays it’s often possible to use one of the latest cosmetically oriented braces. Cosmetic braces such as Six Month Smiles can produce excellent results in only six months. Treatment is nearly invisible as the braces use clear brackets and tooth coloured wires to precisely reposition the teeth following a predetermined treatment plan. Treatment is typically less expensive than other types of braces, and it can be more economical than having your teeth veneered.
Using Both Treatments in Conjunction with Each Other Could Help Perfect Your Smile
Once treatment is complete, it’s still possible to selectively veneer one or two teeth that are perhaps discoloured or are maybe too short or chipped. This can be far less costly than choosing to have multiple veneers, especially when you consider that dental veneers do need replacing periodically. It’s always better to avoid having any healthy tooth structure removed if possible, and orthodontics can often help you achieve a nicer looking smile while preserving as much of your tooth structure as possible. Braces can help correct teeth that protrude slightly, or which are overcrowded or have unsightly gaps in between them.
Orthodontics May Take a Little Longer but the Results Can Be Healthier
Even though treatment might take a little longer, it is probably worth your while pursuing the possibility of using Six Months Smiles in Slough. Treatment is comfortable and safe and highly conservative, and it provides predictable final results. You can book a free consultation at Moonlight Dental Surgery with Dr Jaswinder Gill, a Six Months Smiles Clinical Instructor. Dr Gill will examine your mouth, and can tell you if treatment is suitable and the type of results that can be reasonably achieved. Treatment will only be recommended if it will help you gain the smile you’ve always wanted.
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