It is Never Too Late to Straighten Your Teeth
2nd February 2015
Traditionally tooth straightening was associated with children and teenagers, but all that has changed;today it is never too late to straighten your teeth as healthy teeth can be moved at any age. In the United States, an estimated one in five orthodontic patient is an adult, and while that figure might be slightly lower over here, we are catching up fast. Even though this is a large proportion of the population, it could be that many more adults would actually benefit from wearing braces.
According to research studies, just as many adults as children have what is called a bad bite or malocclusion, where the teeth do not fit together correctly, and up three-quarters of adults have some sort of orthodontic problem such as teeth that drift out of position after one or more teeth have been extracted, or overcrowded teeth. But if you have lived with crooked teeth for quite some years, is it worthwhile straightening them?
Studies have shown a nice smile can significantly boost self-confidence, and it can even help with personal and business prospects. Then of course there’s the effect on dental health, as misaligned teeth are harder to clean, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. If your teeth are straighter and properly aligned it can also make it more comfortable to eat, and your teeth will wear down more evenly. There are lots of different reasons for considering orthodontic treatment at any age.
So if age isn’t a problem are there any other factors that can affect treatment? The most important issue in determining if orthodontic treatment will be helpful has nothing to do with age but everything to do with your current state of oral health. It’s important that you don’t have any signs of active gum disease or tooth decay. Gum disease can be a particular problem as it can spread to the bone supporting teeth, and if this happens then these teeth can become less stable and it would not be wise to try to move them.
It’s important that your teeth and gums be healthy and strong, and this is one of the reasons why you will need a very comprehensive examination at Moonlight Dental Surgery to determine your suitability. Dr Jaswinder Gill will also need to know a bit about your medical health, as some conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes might affect treatment. Certain medications may also impact treatment, so it is important to make a list of anything you might be taking before attending your initial free consultation for orthodontic treatment.
The next stage will be to discuss treatment using invisible braces. Six Month Smiles in Slough uses clear brackets combined with tooth coloured wires to gently but firmly move teeth. This cosmetic braces solution is particularly good for adults as it focuses on the teeth visible when smiling, and treatment is affordable and fast. It can be far more cost-effective than many other comparable systems, and the shorter treatment times are great for getting results before special events or celebrations.
Today, newer orthodontic systems such as Six Month Smiles in Slough make it easy to get the smile you have always wanted, regardless of your age.
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